Arkiv: Projects

Norway, Lillestrøm, 2016

Country: Norway Description: Connecting heat and cooling exchanger in Hotel. Contract type: Mounting Welding Subcontractor

Jönköping AGA, 700 bar pr/test

Period: 2018/06-08 Country: Sweden Description: Duplex Pipe installation and welding, new refuel units at AGA

Stinsenman Sverige AB
Org nm : 559159-8098
Vat.nm : SE559159809801
Adress :
Lyckselevägen 48, lokal 162 67, Vällingby, Sweden

Stinsenman Norge AS
Reg. nr : 921 787 871
VAT nr : NO 921 787 871
Адрес :
Stinsenman Norge AS
Postbox 675 Løren Lørenveien 44, 0585 Oslo, Norway

UÜ Stinsenman
Org. nr : 110 890 90
VAT nr : EE101017620
Адрес :
UÜ Stinsenman
Tskalovi 9-5,
Sillamae 40 232 Estonia
e-mail :